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03 Mar, 2014

Empowering women to take the lead on climate change adaptation

Dharini Parthasarathy and Cecilia Schubert (CCAFS)

CCAFS South Asia program has for the past two years organized a series of workshops aimed to give women leaders skills and knowledge on how to adapt to climate change and sensitize others on the same topic. The trainings aim to inspire change across the region, and lead to more gender-sensitive adaptation strategies.


09 Sep, 2013

Ways to cope with changing climate in cyclone-prone south Bengal

Manjusha Mukherjee

It was definitely a trip that changed my perspective.  I had never thought that our farmers, especially women farmers, would have this kind of understanding and awareness about climate change impacts and adaptation measures.


21 May, 2013

Innovative Agriculture Techniques: Changing Lives of Women Farmers

The women members of KMM now cultivate vegetables in three seasons, they have introduced inter-cropping methods that give extra income, prepare vermi-compost to reduce the cost instead of buying harmful fertilizers from the market to encourage on bio pesticides etc.